Terms of Service – online-casinos-gambling.com

A Detailed Overview

We welcome you at online-casinos-gambling.com (the “Site”). The page outlines the Terms of Service for the online-casinos-gambling.com and highlights the rights and obligations of all users visiting the Site. 

When you access and use the resources and services provided on this site, you agree to and accept these terms and conditions.

If you do not agree with any part of these Terms of Service, we advise you to stop using the Site and its services and content. 

Before using the Site, its software, or services, please review the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service outlined below.

Website and Service Usage

The entire content on online-casinos-gambling.com, including reviews, news, forums, guides, contests, polls, and other materials, is provided at the discretion of the website. 

These may be updated, deleted, or modified at any time without notice.

The website is intended only for users who are 18 years of age or older. Those under legal age are not permitted to browse the content or use any of the available services.

The materials on the website are designed for a mature audience and focus heavily on gambling and related activities. 

All articles, photos, images, logos, graphs, statistics, media, and other intellectual property available on the site are owned by online-casinos-gambling.com unless otherwise specified.

Our Service Offerings

Online-casinos-gambling.com provides free information about casino games, online casinos, and different aspects of the gambling industry. 

These services provide education and information to the users interested in gambling topics.

The site does not own any online casinos or poker rooms, either partially or fully. Additionally, no real money bets are accepted on the site.

Content Guidelines

The entire content present on our website follows industry rules and meets our Terms of Service.

You get informative content, created by industry experts.

You can access all this content for free. There is no requirement for the paid subscription.

Property Ownership

Our company owns everything on the website, including software, written materials, information, media files, pictures, images, videos, artwork, graphics, forms, animations, music, audio, text, and other types of content (known as “Website Content”).

This content is protected by copyright law, so it’s illegal to use or share anything from the website without our permission. 

By using the website, you agree to follow our services and terms.

It’s also forbidden to remove or change any copyright or ownership notices.

Your Commitments and Declarations

By using this website, you agree to the following:

  • You are 18 years of age or older. 
  • You agree to use the website for your own personal, non-commercial purposes. 
  • You are not pretending to be someone else but only using your personal information. 
  • You have checked and confirmed that using the website and its services does not violate any laws and regulations that apply to you. 
  • You don’t participate in a trial set up by jury or a class-action lawsuit against the company that owns this website or its affiliates. 
  • You will not use the information provided on this website for any illegal purposes or any unauthorized activities that can break local or international laws. 
  • You agree to follow our terms, which are updated anytime without notice.

In case, you are using the website on behalf of an organization, a company, or entity, you agree on the following:

  • You have read and agree with these terms.
  • You are authorized to represent the organization and have the needed authority.
  • You agree to all those terms on behalf of the organization you represent.
  • You understand the agreement made with the company.

External Content

The website may have links to other products, services, websites, or content operated by Third Parties. 

These links are provided for additional details and reference.

You agree that the website and the company is not responsible for the content on the websites linked through these hyperlinks. 

Using these links does not mean that the company fully validates the content provided by third parties.

Gaming Details

If you are after personal entertainment and information purposes only, the content on our website is for you. 

You will find a lot of links on our website that lead to other products, websites, services, or content related to online gambling and gaming services. 

The provided information is only for users in places where these services are legal, and users must be of legal age.

Here’s what you need to know:

The Use of Gaming Services:

  • You must be of legal age – 18 years or older.
  • You must be in a place where accessing these services is legal.
  • Be aware that gambling can lead to losing money, and the company is not responsible for any losses.
  • You need to make sure you’re following local laws when using these services.
  • Understand that gambling involves risk.
  • It’s up to you to stay updated on any changes to the laws and requirements.

An Alert of Personal Risk:

When you use the Gaming Services, you can entirely do so at your own risk. 

We do not provide legal advice about the legality of gambling, online or offline. It’s up to you to know and understand the gambling laws that apply to you.

Legal Compliance: 

Online gambling laws vary depending on the location. It’s your responsibility to ensure your activities comply with the laws applicable in your country or jurisdiction. 

Just because you can access our website doesn’t mean it’s legal for you to engage in these activities.

We Don’t Encourage: 

We only provide information about gambling and gaming. However, we do not encourage anyone to participate. It’s your personal decision whether to gamble or not.

Website and Service Changes

online-casinos-gambling.com holds the right to modify or remove any content from the website. We can do so temporarily or permanently without providing any notice to the users. The Services can change at any time. 

Warranty Disclaimers

When you use this website, you understand and agree to the following:

The Responsibility and Risk Involved:

  • When you use the website, its services, and content, it means you are doing it at your own risk and discretion.

No Guarantees or Warranties from online-casions-gambling.com:

  • We do not guarantee that the content on the website will always be what you want, uninterrupted, secure, timely, or error-free.
  • We do not promise that the results, services, or content will always be accurate or reliable.
  • We do not provide assurance regarding the quality of products, services, content, information, or other services you get through the website that will meet your expectations.

Downloading Materials:

  • Any materials you download or obtain through the website or its services are at your own risk. 

You are responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from these activities.

No Implicit Warranties:

  • Nothing on the website comes with a warranty or guarantee unless it is specifically mentioned in these terms.

Liability Limitations

When you use online-casinos-gambling.com, you agree that the Company is not liable for any damages that may occur. This includes:

Types of Damages:

  • Direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, or special damages.
  • Damages resulting from the loss of data, goodwill, profits, or other intangible losses.

Service Changes:

  • The Company and its affiliates are not liable for any suspensions, changes, or discontinuations of the services or the website as a whole.

Third-Party Content:

  • The website is not responsible for the content on third-party websites linked from articles on online-casinos-gambling.com.

User Indemnity and Compensation

By using this website, you agree to protect and cover any costs for online-casinos-gambling.com and its team (including directors, partners, employees, affiliates, and agents) if any legal issues arise. 

This means you will pay for reasonable attorney fees if your messages or information posted on the site violate these terms.

Copyright Infringement Notice

If you feel that any content on the website does not follow copyright laws or violates intellectual property rights, you need to notify us. You can even use the contact details provided by following this information – 

  • Your full name. 
  • Your company name, if applicable. 
  • Contact details that include a valid email address, a physical address, or a phone number. 
  • A clear identification of the materials provided in the question that violate the copyright laws and their position on the website is needed. 
  • Any physical or electronic signatures from the person who represents the content owner. 

Complete Agreement

The terms include a binding legal agreement between you and the website that also governs the relationship between you and online-casinos-gambling.com. 

Collectively, they refer to these terms, the privacy policy, and the relevant terms and conditions. 

It is an agreement between users and the website to ensure fair use of the content and services. 

The agreement surpasses all the previous agreements between the users and the website. 

When you accept the agreement and continue to use the website, you accept that you do not rely on the warranties or guarantees from the company. 

Agreement Termination

When you visit or use the site or the services, you agree that the site can block access or close the account. It is the website’s choice, and not notifying you is also entirely its decision. 

There can be reasons for terminating the agreement, including improper use of the content provided, violation of terms of services, or inconsistent behaviour. 

The operating company can also close the website and discontinue its services and content anytime. 

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

When you use the website, you agree that the laws of Canada govern the Content and Services on this website. You don’t consider the conflict the site can have with other jurisdictions. 

In case of disputes, controversies, or claims that arise with the use of the website, the parties can negotiate and consult on their own. They can consider their interests and reach a solution that is satisfactory for everyone. 

If the parties cannot resolve the disputes within 30 days, the higher authorities in the jurisdictions can ask the question. 

Confidentiality Obligations

When you use and visit our website, you agree to keep everything related to the disputes confidential. 

You will not use the confidential information for any other reasons than to solve the dispute while keeping everything strictly confidential. 

You can disclose confidential information when it is strictly needed by law, but you need to notify the site promptly and consult with the company. 

Potential Harm

When you use and visit this website, you agree that breaking the rules could cause serious harm to the website and the company. 

You acknowledge that money alone may not be enough to fix the damage caused by breaking the rules in the agreement. 

Therefore, the company is entitled to seek different types of remedies and equitable relief. The company doesn’t need to prove damages to enforce this rule if you violate the Terms of Service.

Ongoing Provisions

Any provisions highlighted here can survive the expiration or termination of the agreement till they have fulfilled their end goal. 

Rights Waiver

Any waiver provided by the company related to any terms cannot be used as a waiver for a preceding or succeeding breach of the terms. 

Third-Party Relations

You cannot use anything on the website, including the terms, privacy policy, or any applicable competition terms and conditions, to gain benefits or provide rights to third parties. 

No terms can be used by a third party to create a partnership, relationship, agency, or other form of joint enterprise with the Company unless those are specified.  

Rights Assignment

The Company holds all the rights to assign, license, transfer, or pledge the terms and the Agreement, partially or fully, without taking your consent – 

  • To another entity that is within the same group as the Company. 
  • In case of merging, sale, or similar corporate transactions. 

You should not transfer, assign, or pledge any obligations and rights covered in the Agreement.

Service Access

If you want to gain access to the site and services offered by online-casinos-gambling.com, you need to get internet access. 

Make sure to cover the related costs. You are responsible for paying for any necessary equipment and services. These include mobile devices, computers, modems, etc. 

Additionally, you must be at least 18 years old and of legal age, as highlighted in the laws and regulations of your country of residence, to access the website, register, or participate in any competitions or contests. 

Get in Touch

You can contact the website at: contact@online-casinos-gambling.com